Is Our Dwarfism Really That Funny?

Why does my short stature and that of my children make you laugh?
Is it really that funny?

“As a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings . . . ”  This verse reverberated in my head today as I and my children dealt with not one, but three separate incidents with people who mocked, laughed, shouted out, and video taped us.

I remember my mom telling the story of the Little Red Hen during our German youth meetings.  The story is about a red hen who gives birth to a brood of chicks.  Sadly, a fire sweeps through the country side and the farm upon which they live is engulfed in the fire.  Later, while surveying the fire damage the farmer notices this thick black ball of something that’s totally unrecognizable.  He takes his foot and kicks over the black charred ball and out comes the Little Red Hen’s brood of chicks.  The mother hen had gathered her chicks as the fire approached and she took the pain of the flames thus sacrificing her life for her chicks.

The story is a depiction of what Jesus Christ did for us.  He spread out His hands and took the punishment for our sin so that our lives would be spared from eternal separation from Him and we could have life . . . eternal life with Him.

I wasn’t laying down my life today, nor was I ever in danger of losing it.  However, something within me did die . . . a little.  All my life I have dealt with the stares, name calling, and—at times—mean, derogatory slurs.  Today was different because I was with my “chicks”—my babies.  I can’t wrap my head around why it’s so important to name call, video tape and mock us because of our dwarfism.  What is so important about taking our picture and texting it to your friend?  What is it about my short stature that makes people yell, “Hey, Mom, look at the midget!” and why does that mom just laugh along with her son and walk away.  Why would a girl stand beside me and my kids snapping pictures, then cover her mouth because she’s laughing so hard at the fact that she’d accomplished to take our picture as she walked away briskly.  Why had the parents of the two young girls not educated them that snapping our picture as we walked into the lobby of a store, all the while laughing, isn’t respectful.  Why does my short stature and that of my children make you laugh?  Is it really that funny?


The world screams about tolerance and yet, as a dwarf, I and my children aren’t afforded this tolerance.  If I were African-American the NAACP would be calling their lawyers, if I were in a wheel chair the NDRN would be calling a press conference, and if I were in the LGBT community the American Civil Liberties Union would have me booked on every major network to report it.  However, I am a dwarf, little person, a mom, wife, sister and I am not afford the right of privacy, tolerance, or just plain good manners.

I held back tears today wishing I had wings of steel that I could have spread across my kids just to shield them from this lack of tolerance and ignorance.  I couldn’t shield them, or close their ears to those ugly words or even answer their questions of, “Why Mom?” How do you explain it?

Basically, there is no explanation for their actions.  However, I tell my children we can’t control others, but we can control our response and our attitude.  I do my best to educate through my blog, the spoken word, or just smile and walk away.  I pray that one day those of us who have been chosen by God to live out our days on this earth with dwarfism will be able to enjoy the kindness, courtesy, and respect that all of who’ve been given the breath of life deserve.

If you know a principle, teacher, or church youth leader that would welcome us to come speak, take questions, and educate about dwarfism please pass on my contact information.  We can’t change the whole world’s preconceived ideas or actions towards those with dwarfism, but we can certainly try to change those around us.


10 thoughts on “Is Our Dwarfism Really That Funny?

  1. I am sooo sorry for your pain and hurt by pure ignorance and total disrespect!! That hurts my ❤️!! Thank you for sharing these words : I grew up knowing an awesome young man who won the hearts of everyone . He had the time and presence to be himself and we learned we all had so many more likenesses rather than differences! We learned you can do what we can, but sometimes a little different method since everything in our culture was designed for the average heightened person. Cabinets, counters, steps bed heights, bathtub heights etc. which made my friend have to make adjustments in order to use our facilities!! even back then our parents taught us respect for others, those just like us and those who were different, different does not mean less valuable. . There is no excuse for disrespect and just plain meanness !!! It’ s totally unacceptable. They are the losers for not taking time to know your hearts, your talents, and giftedness, your ability to be a great asset to community just as effectively as any one else!! I have No writing skills but please know, I know you all are GOD’S children just like me and all others. He made us all in HIS SPECIAL AWESOME DESIGN. THANK YOU FOR SHARING AND I PRAY FOR CHANGED HEARTS in those disrespectful persons.
    Height is the only difference in us and that does Not deduce your beautiful hearts ♥️ nor your worth as humans made in GOD’s image too!! Be proud, and bold, my admiration respect for you and yours and prayers that one day we all will respect each other for who we are God’s created beings in HUS OWN IMAGE!!!!🙏🙏🙏

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  2. As a grandmother to a beautiful 4 year old who just happens to be a little person, your story scares me. My biggest fear is not that Vera will have trouble adapting to a world designed for people of taller stature, it is that she will have to deal with ignorance. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope it reaches far and wide. Your children are so lucky to have you as their champion.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. … I can only think that those people are of very limited intelligence … And to feel good about themselves they have to feel superior to others .. Probably bullies to lots of people

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I cried while reading this. As a mother I can’t imagine the pain you have felt as people were so cruel. Your family is beautiful and I pity those who cannot see that beauty and grace in front of them. Honestly I did not know people did this and can’t understand why your size is amusing. You are so wonderful to offer up your willingness to speak about this. Since you’re approaching it with love, I know good will come from it♥️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It saddens me to read your story. I am sorry that your family has to endure the thoughtlessness of others. You’re absolutely right though, if you were in any other category of human placement there would be a national cry out for injustice. You and Billy mean a lot to me and I have enjoyed watching you grow up in the ministry.

    God doesn’t make mistakes and He made you and your children just the right size.

    God bless the Worley’s!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You have a beautiful family, and I’m so sorry some people made you feel so bad. I try every day to teach my daughters that God made all of us different but perfect in His eyes. I will definitely continue!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. The bible says that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess the He is God. One day, others will see in us what God sees in us. Our heart and soul. He will open their eyes. Until then Robin, you may have the most educated children I know. No one takes the time to stop and teach their children how to behave or treat others with a minimum of respect. I went to church with you at Mile Straight Baptist Church. You and your husband are awesome parents and I remember how strong and intelligent you are. God designed you for this. I cannot believe how your kids have grown! It was good to run across this on facebook and good to see this picture of your family. Much love your way from Roy and I.
    Kathy Hunsucker

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